GreenLightning fully supports the MQTT protocol. On this page, learn how to build a simple MQTT client. We recommend using a broker such as mosquitto to do your testing with.
Please refer to the GreenLightning-API repo for more examples like this one.
We want to build a very simple app that can do the following:
Subscribe to a topic that informs us about the status of an LED somewhere
Publish LED status every 5 seconds
Listen to the toggle message
Let's get started with our client. First, we need to update GreenApp to look like this:
package com.ociweb;
public class LEDClient implements GreenApp {
private MQTTBridge mqttConfig;
// Define the topics.
private final String toggleLightTopic = "light/toggle";
private final String lightStatusTopic = "light/status";
public void declareConfiguration(Builder config) {
// Configure MQTT.
mqttConfig = config.useMQTT("", 1883, "LedController", 200)
// This is not needed, but if you visit the URL given to you in the console when you run this app,
// you can see a detailed overview of your entire application in your browser.
// Set the pulse for the timer in seconds.
public void declareBehavior(GreenRuntime runtime) {
// We subscribe to the topic that is sent when someone wants to toggle the light.
runtime.bridgeSubscription(toggleLightTopic, toggleLightTopic, mqttConfig).setQoS(MQTTQoS.atLeastOnce);
// We want to publish the status of the LED every 5 secs.
runtime.bridgeTransmission(lightStatusTopic, lightStatusTopic, mqttConfig).setQoS(MQTTQoS.atLeastOnce);
// Create the light behavior.
LightBehavior light = new LightBehavior(runtime, lightStatusTopic);
runtime.registerListener("LightBehavior", light)
.addSubscription(toggleLightTopic, light::toggleLight)
.addSubscription(lightStatusTopic, light::lightStatusUpdate);
Finally, create another file named to look like this:
package com.ociweb;
import com.ociweb.pronghorn.pipe.ChannelReader;
public class LightBehavior implements PubSubMethodListener, TimeListener {
// This will be bridged to MQTT inside
private PubSubFixedTopicService cmd;
private boolean status = false; // current state of LED, false = off, true = on
public LightBehavior(GreenRuntime runtime, String statusTopic) {
// Need PubSub command channel
cmd = runtime.newCommandChannel().newPubSubService(statusTopic);
public boolean lightStatusUpdate(CharSequence topic, ChannelReader payload) {
// We received an update about the status of the light
status = payload.readBoolean();
System.out.println("Status update! Light on: " + status);
return true;
public void timeEvent(long time, int iteration) {
// Every 5 seconds, publish the status of the LED.
cmd.publishTopic(writer -> writer.writeBoolean(status));
public boolean toggleLight(CharSequence topic, ChannelReader payload) {
// Read if light should be on or off from the payload
status = payload.readBoolean();
// TODO: do something here with an LED
System.out.println("Toggle request! Status: " + status);
return true;